One day Marathon for English Teachers on Saturday, 15 March 2025. Book your place!
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Старт ближайших full-time групп: 30 июня 2025 (offline) и 4 августа 2025 (online)!
Старт новой группы 21 марта 2025!
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Отзывы о How to prepare students for TOEFL

Thank you for the fantastic course! It was incredibly valuable, packed with practical insights and helpful tips. I now feel fully prepared and confident in my ability to conduct TOEFL preparation lessons. It was a pleasure to participate in this course with you as my guide into the TOEFL world.
Ирина Гарбуз, г. Омск
Как подготовить студентов к TOEFL, сентябрь 2024,
I’m really grateful to our tutor Irina for her great job in sharing this valuable information on TOEFL exam with us. I felt absolutely comfortable studying and learning new things under Irina’s supervision. I did receive really intelligible and detailed explanation of all the important stages of the exam. I really appreciate it.
Мадина Магомедалиева, г. Махачкала
Как подготовить студентов к TOEFL, сентябрь 2024,
It was fully informative course with highly qualified teacher!
Елена Сухарева
Как подготовить студентов к TOEFL, август 2024,
A wonderful crash course given by a true professional Irina Yermolenko. We covered all the necessary parts in depth, which is sure to allow us to prepare our students at the highest standards. Thank you!
Ольга Ушанева
Как подготовить студентов к TOEFL, август 2024,