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Отзывы о Language and Methodology

This course is very useful for both the beginners and the experienced teachers. The load is feasible, the tasks are creative and let any student demonstrate their potential.
Анастасия Раковская
Курс "Язык+Методика", ноябрь 2024,
Hello guys! Your course is very effective for all people who have knowledge in English and want to teach! This course gives rather good understanding how to prepare or different lessons (you may be a school teacher or private one). You can use the materials which are given during the course with your own adaptation for individual approach to your students. Thanks!
Юлия Парий
Курс "Язык+Методика", ноябрь 2024,
The course was well-sctructured, just perfect and I believe should be must-have for ones, who consider themselves a teacher. I liked everything, starting from the given information to the work in the breakout rooms. However I could suggest you to provide video recordings of the lessons to your students, at least for a short period of time, in case they'll have some problems with attending one of the lessons(connection, just what I faced)  or just want to refresh the acquired knowledge. All in all, im really grateful for everything I remember and can teach now due to the course and tutor's Anna Kuliashova active attitude. And I'm really going to come back and join another course from your team. Thanks!
Ангелина Куличенко
Курс "Язык+Методика", июль 2024,
Отличный курс, преподаватель, несмотря на благожелательность, очень требовательная. Среди достоинств курса отмечу: 1) возможность почувствовать себя снова студентом и оценить свои преподавательские навыки, 2) узнать новые тенденции в обучении, причем, сначала со стороны студента, а затем с разбором всех заданий со стороны преподавателя, 3) найти единомышленников среди одногруппников.
Наталья Баребина
Курс "Язык + Методика", август 2024,
Выражаю огромную благодарность замечательному преподавателю Вашей школы Анне Куляшовой за проведённый очень информативный и полезный курс повышения квалификации "Language and Methodology Course (Advanced)",а также всему Центру подготовки преподавателей BKC - IH, который создавал этот курс и обеспечивал тех.поддержку в проведении курса.
Кира Осьмина
Курс "Язык+Методика", июль 2024,
Thank you very much for such an informative, practical and useful course. Luis is a very positive and inspiring teacher!
Тамара Чахмазова
Курс "Язык + Методика", июль 2024,
The course was fascinating! I've known some new and interesting aspects on teaching English. More than that - the live experience of interacting helped me to feel surer in my knowledge. Our teacher has a good sense of humour and a lot of amusing stories so our classes were held in a friendly manner. Maybe it would be helpful if one could have more feedback from the teacher. Just to know what you can improve. But in any case I was enjoying myself.
Наталья Сосновская
Курс "Язык + Методика", июль 2024,
I really liked the course. The classes were only in English and for me it was an opportunity to speak a lot and do different tasks, activating my abilities in English. Many thanks to our trainer Roxolana, she conducted the classes very professionally, using an individual approach and great attention to each student. I was also glad to communicate in the group of my colleagues, which was very competently composed. Also, I will note the excellent work of the BKC administrators, who were always very attentive and helped to resolve any organizational issues.
Лилия Ярцева
Курс "Язык + Методика", апрель 2024,
Однажды я задумалась о том, что хочу получить больше знаний о методике и сразу применять ее на практике. Но одной встрече мне посоветовали обратиться именно к вам в центр и за первые 5 минут я уже зарегистрировалась на этот курс и ждала начала! Преподаватель Роксолана замечательно руководила процессом! Улыбчивая и с идеальным британским акцентом! После окончания курса «Language + methodology» я поняла, что обязательно пройду курс и не один! Огромное спасибо за знания!
Елизавета Протасова
Курс "Язык + Методика", май 2024,
The atmosphere of the course was really wonderful. Disscussing crucial moments of teaching with the colleagues was a great pleasure and the schedule was the most siutable of all.
Вероника Воронежцева
Курс "Язык + Методика", май 2024,

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