One day Marathon for English Teachers on Saturday, 15 March 2025. Book your place!
Сделайте подарок коллегам, друзьям и любимым!
Старт ближайших full-time групп: 30 июня 2025 (offline) и 4 августа 2025 (online)!
Ближайший экзамен -  15 февраля 2025 (СБ)!

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Отзывы о курсах для преподавателей

The consultation on how to prepare students for GMAT exceeded my expectations. Anna talked me through the main aspects of the test and shared the best approaches. Thank you so much!
Ольга Панкратова
"Как подготовить студентов к GMAT", февраль 2025,
Из курса по подготовке к ОГЭ я узнала много нового, в том числе лайфхаки для быстрых и правильных ответов. Подняла уровень своей подготовки на более высокий. Преподаватель шикарный!
Нарине Мкоян
Тренинг "Как подготовить студентов к ОГЭ", январь 2025,
Wonderful teacher, detailed information, important moments in  every kind of activity in OGE.
Светлана Наумова
Тренинг "Как подготовить студентов к ОГЭ", январь 2025,
This course was a real challenge, as it put me out of my comfort zone. Almost every idea that I took from this course was a real discovery for me. It familiarized us with a completely different approach to the English grammar system. As a result,  it brought us to another level of language awareness and broadened our understanding of its aspects. Not only is this course  theoretically demanding, but everything we study can be immediately applied in class. And the cherry on top is that the entire learning process took place in a friendly atmosphere created by our teacher and a welcoming group of students.
Юлиана Гармаш
BKC Language Awareness Expert Course, январь 2025,
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the exceptional course that I had the privilege to attend. The depth of knowledge imparted, combined with the engaging teaching methods, has significantly enriched my understanding of the subject matter.
Аиша Мусабалы
Как подготовить студентов к IELTS, январь 2025,
Курс замечательный!  Однозначно подойдет, как новичкам в этом деле, так и более опытным коллегам. Очень понравилась подача материала, интересные и актуальные темы,  структура каждой сессий и конечно же сама Хезер! Невероятно профессиональный, харизматичный, начитанный и опытный тренер с огромным багажом знаний и желанием ими поделиться.  Каждая сессия  - живой пример того, как можно выстроить идеальный тренинг с коллегами - взяла для себя на заметку много техник. Также понравились домашние задания и супер полезные и интересные доп. ресурсы для чтения. Спасибо большое!
Юлия Сапегина
Train the Trainer Course, октябрь 2024,
I had a blast during this course and it provides valuable knowledge and skills. Thanks to our teacher and mentor Natalia Tutantseva.
Анастасия Рудакова
Тренинг "Как подготовить студентов к ЕГЭ", декабрь 2024,
This course is very useful for both the beginners and the experienced teachers. The load is feasible, the tasks are creative and let any student demonstrate their potential.
Анастасия Раковская
Курс "Язык+Методика", ноябрь 2024,
Hello guys! Your course is very effective for all people who have knowledge in English and want to teach! This course gives rather good understanding how to prepare or different lessons (you may be a school teacher or private one). You can use the materials which are given during the course with your own adaptation for individual approach to your students. Thanks!
Юлия Парий
Курс "Язык+Методика", ноябрь 2024,
IELTS Asssessment Specialist, ноябрь 2024

"Dear Elena,
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the IELTS assessment specialist course. It was such an insightful and well-structured program, and I really appreciate the effort and expertise you brought to it. Your explanations of the criteria and practical examples were incredibly helpful and have given me a lot more confidence in understanding and applying the skills we’ve learned.
I truly value the time and energy you invested in guiding us, and it has been such a rewarding experience. Thank you for sharing your knowledge so generously, it’s been inspiring to learn from someone with your expertise."
Мухиддин Абдулхакимов

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