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Live Methodology Afternoon

10 июня 2024

Book your place

Date: 21 June 2024 (Friday, Offline)

Time: 15:00 - 18:30


15:00 - 16:00 - English - Common Teacher Mistakes, and When The Rules Don’t Help (Simon Colpus, BKC Voykovskaya School, Senior Teacher)

16:00 - 16:15 Break

16:15 — 17:15 - Bigger, better, faster, more! A year of project in primary (Anka Zapart, Teacher, Teacher Trainer. Supervison: VYL and YL)

17:15 - 17:30 Break

17:30 — 18:30 The evolution of speaking lessons can help us evolve our teaching (Heather Belgorodtseva, Director of Studies for Teacher Training at BKC-IH Moscow, CELTA Tutor and Teacher Trainer.)

Q and A 

Location: Okhotny Ryad, Gazetny pereulok 3-5

As the academic year draws to a close, we are sure that you have not lost your appetite for professional development. BKC Teacher Training Centre would therefore like to invite you to a LIVE Methodology Afternoon.

Live, because this is an opportunity to meet face to face with our trainers and colleagues from Moscow and beyond.

Live, because the sessions will be interactive, nay, dynamic.

And live, because the topics are currently relevant, pracitcal, and rooted in our speakers' classroom experience.

(c) Heather Belgorodseva, Director of Studies for Teacher Training at BKC-IH Moscow, CELTA Tutor and Teacher Trainer


Heather Belgorodtseva, Director of Studies for Teacher Training at BKC-IH Moscow, CELTA Tutor and Teacher Trainer

The evolution of speaking lessons can help us evolve our teaching

Speaking is generally what students want to be better at when they come to language lessons so giving our students that opportunity is at the core of the communicative approach. But is it enough? In this session we will explore the evolution of speaking lessons in ELT, remembering that evolution does not always mean progress and it is necessary to reassess our most lovingly-held beliefs sometimes in order to move forwards. In doing so we will decide what successful speaking involves and explore strategies to achieve that.

Simon Colpus, BKC Voykovskaya School, Senior Teacher

English - Common Teacher Mistakes, and When The Rules Don’t Help

An in depth look at some common mistakes by high level non-native English speakers and teachers, and how the English in textbooks might not always match current English use by natives.

Anka Zapart, Teacher, Teacher Trainer. Supervison: VYL and YL

Bigger, better, faster, more!  A year of project in primary

It's not my first year in the classroom and I thought I had done pretty much everything under the sun. Of course I was wrong. A change of contexts and a year in primary gave me an opportunity to learn more about projects and to find out about the new ways of being creative with my YL. And that is what I would like to share with you in this session: something to use during the summer, something for the academic year, something about English, some CLIL, too! 

E-certificate will be provided to all the participants.

Registration fee: 4 500 rubles

The early bird registration fee of 4 000 rubles is now available untill 19 June.

Book your place

Школы иностранных языков ВКС в Москве и Московской области

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